Never Let Me Go

  • Date

    Feb - Mar 2020

  • Type

    Book Cover Design

  • Tools

    Adobe PS, ID

A website model for hosting student and parent resources. I developed a student forum feature for program-related discussion by implementing RESTful API using Express framework (MVC).


I first selected three books that I have read before: Never Let Me Go, Unbroken, and How to Win Friends & Influence People. I drafted a version for each book. Then, I chose to continue with the design for Never Let Me Go.

Never Let Me Go Draft 1Never Let Me Go Draft 2Never Let Me Go Draft 3

Design Thinking

Never Let Me Go is mainly about the main character reminisces her past. So, I used several photos to represent pieces of her memory. It is also an origami that encapsulated her memory.

I used two different background colors for the front and the back cover, and added two strips of colors as hooks to associate the front cover with the back cover.

Never Let Me Go Mockup