
  • Date

    Aug 2022 - Present

  • Type

    Full Stack

  • Languages

    HTML, CSS, JavaScript

  • Tools

    React, Node, Express, Neo4j, Oracle, Material UI, React Hook Form, SAML, Next.js

  • Live Version (only available to UNC campus VPN)

Bloom is an award-winning process mapping SPA that assists research teams in understanding and navigating the steps required to initiate clinical research studies (Innovation Challenge at the 2023 MAGI East Clinical Research Conference). I developed both the user and admin panel.


1. Login & Sign Up
  • Implemented Passport to serve as the authentication middleware for SAML SSO.
Login & Sign Up Gif
Study Table Image
2. Study Table & Form Modal
  • Implemented Material UI (MUI) Datagrid for table display and React Hook Form for form submission.
  • Delivered asynchronous API calls (AJAX) through Express server for database handling.
3. Wizard & Process Map
  • Utilized Neo4j graph database to chronologically map out clinical research initiation process based on user inputs about their studies.
Process Map Image
New Post Gif
4. Work in Progress
  • Because Create React App (CRA) is no longer a recommended solution for creating React applications, we are working on switching Bloom to Next.js framework with a new interface layout.